Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Tracking

Just about a foot of snow has fallen in the past 12 hours here in the Adirondacks. Adding that to the 4 or 5 inches we had from this past weekend means it's getting just a tad deep. Last winter was a pretty hard one for the deer herd judging by the lack of deer sighted throughout the year and it doesn't seem like this winter is going to be any easier. We'll be out this weekend to see what we can find roaming around the woods. The deer will be leaving earlier this year to yard up so I'm not expecting to find to many deer tracks in my hike. As the deer go so go the coyotes which won't leave but a random fox track, some squirrels and an occasional grouse or two and the Snowshoe Hare to find. Don't forget, if you go out bring along the MyNature Animal Track app with you.

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