Monday, November 30, 2009

Animal Tracks & Snow

I usually hate snow but it's falling tonight anyway. For me the only good thing about it is the wealth of information I'll find tomorrow with all the fresh tracks that will be left behind. Happy tracking!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

iPhone animal track app demo

So, I'm not a professional actor, but here's a quick demo on how the MyNature Animal Track app works.

Animal Tracks for the iPhone

MyNature Inc. has just come out with a great app for animal track identification. You can find a link to the app store here. Now there's no need to lug around those books any longer. Download the MyNature Track app and everything is right in the palm of your hand. The app features 7 search categories with each one broken down into number of toes, size and shape of the track. You can reference a range map, listen to the animals sound , see a beautiful digital image of each animal. We also have digital images of the animals track an illustrated drawing of the animals gait pattern and front and hind tracks along with an in depth description of the animal track size and life cycle.